2024-2025 College Fair Schedule

Fees for 2024-2025
One Fair (In-State or Out of State): $350
In-State Reduced Participation (2-5 fairs): $600
In-State Full Participation (More than 5 Fairs): $650
Out-of-State Reduced Participation (2-5 fairs): $750
Out-of-State Full Participation (More than 5 Fairs): $850

Register by our priority deadline of August 10. 

A late fee of $300 will be assessed after August 10, if space is still available.

No registrations accepted after September 2.

Please register for the full year of fairs. You can make changes later, if needed.

Watch this page, listserv messages and our Facebook page for updates on programs.


Shenandoah Fair Change!


Due to the closing of the National Guard Armory, the college fair on 9/17 in Shenandoah has been relocated to Hastings, IA, at the SWITCH Gym (Southwest Iowa Technical Career Hub). <img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t2d/1/16/1f4cd.png" alt="