A recent racially-driven admissions lawsuit against Harvard University has put affirmative action back into the spotlight.
- The start of the trial. The case against Harvard is not an attempt to do away with affirmative action, but a chance to look closely at the once-secretive admissions process.
- The story. The lawsuit was brought forward by a nonprofit group who claims the university discriminates against applicants by limiting the number of Asian-American students admitted.
- What about the economic gap at Harvard? While Asian-American students may be underrepresented, it is argued that wealthy students are overrepresented and that socioeconomic criteria should be used instead of race.
- The trial continues. David Card, an economist at the University of California at Berkley, describes his findings from analyses of Harvard’s admissions process.
- The trial winds down. Testimony from Harvard’s Director of Admissions.
- When and how in the admissions process is race considered? What was learned - Harvard was clear that race is a consideration in their Admission practices, it gives students the opportunity to learn from their peers for different backgrounds.
- How will this change Admissions practices? University of California at Los Angeles professor, Richard Sander, studies racial preferences in admissions and has argued that affirmative action places students in universities for which they are underqualified.
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