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Introducing the Rural and Small Town Special Interest Group

This sounds like a great opportunity for secondary and postsecondary professionals in Iowa - ANYONE can join! You don't have to be an Iowa Image result for rural iowaACAC or NACAC member (but we'd sure love to have you!)

 Greetings from NACAC!

The NACAC Rural and Small Town SIG was approved by the NACAC Membership Committee just a few months ago. Since then, we have welcomed more than 300 members from high schools, colleges and universities, community-based organizations, vendors, and higher education faculty into our group.  The purpose of the SIG is to gather folks who 1) are from rural and small town communities, 2) work in offices that serve rural and small town students/counselors, and 3) have interests in college access issues that affect rural areas.

Our SIG holds monthly meetings that are also available to members via YouTube recording afterward in case they have to miss virtual meetings.  We also offer a suite of resources via Google Drive, such as podcasts and readings, as well as lists of federally-designated rural schools.  Interested college admission professionals can complete this Google Form to hear about meetings and resources. 

*Please note: anyone can join our SIG for free – no need to be a NACAC or ACAC member to do so, per NACAC guidelines.

If you have any questions at all, please contact the co-leaders - Andrew Moe [email protected] or Peggy Jenkins at [email protected]

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