Admission Counselor University, also known as ACU, is an annual event hosted by Iowa ACAC’s Professional Development Committee. It is geared toward new (1 year or less) professionals in the Admissions profession. This year, ACU will take place at the University of Northern Iowa, July 16-17. It is a great event to attend; now I'm going to tell you why!
- TRAVEL! As we all know, travel is something that comes with job. While it is fun and exciting, it can also be overwhelming. Admissions Professionals will share stories, tips, and tricks for getting through a successful travel season.
- Networking: New Admissions Professionals will have the opportunity to meet each other as well as Admissions Professionals who have been in the field for many years. This will come as a great comfort to them when they are on travel and see familiar faces from ACU!
- Presentation Skill Development: This is always something we cover at ACU as it is something that can be very scary for people, yet comes with the job.
- Admissions Knowledge: An Admissions Counselor covers so many different areas of a university. We have to know a lot of information about many different areas. We will introduce those different areas and ways to balance and manage those.
- High School Counselor Relationship Building: This is one of the most important parts of the job. Participants will hear from current high
school counselors to gain tips and knowledge to make the most out of their high school visits.
- FUN: At ACU, we like to have fun! Whether you are creating your own university, hanging out at the social, or learning more about the Admissions world, it is a refreshing, fun, and great experience!
Please note that ACU has collaborated with ICAN this year. FAFSA Certification Training starts at 12pm on July 16 before ACU check-in.
You can register your team members now at www.iowaacac.org/prof-devel - deadline is July 8!
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