As travel season is quickly approaching, GoToCollegeFairs has made some changes. GoToCollegeFairs (GTCF) is an organization Iowa ACAC contracts with to help streamline college fairs. Students are able to create a barcode for college and university representatives to scan their information. This saves time for both students and admissions representatives, because students don’t have to stand at the table and fill out contact card for every school that they’re interested in. GTCF has recently made some changes to make it easier for colleges and universities to scan barcodes.
Some of you might have the little portable scanner that dings every time you scan a barcode. GTCF now has a new and improved mobile app. You might have used their app in the past but this year it will look different. The biggest upgrade this year is that students that get their barcode scanned will now receive an email right after the fair. The email can be customized to what you want it to say along with your college or university’s logo.
To learn more about their new app, please check out this video,
Have a fun and safe travel season!