Over the past three years I have had the opportunity to lead our Government Relations Committee, while serving as Government Relations Chair for Iowa ACAC. Through this experience, we have successfully put on 2½ Visit the Hill events for high school students, counselors, admission professionals, and more (½ because the first year I took over there was a crazy ice/snow storm where we probably should have canceled the event, but didn’t, and only a few people ventured out to attend!). These events have had really awesome sessions, where hundreds of people have been able to learn more about issues that directly impact them. I will always be grateful and appreciative for the Government Relations committee members. They are the real reason why these events have been so successful and it has been a joy to work alongside them!
Having the opportunity to sit on the Exec Board for Iowa ACAC has been a true blessing! I have had the chance to meet and work with so many different individuals across our profession I am positive I would have never had a chance to meet and work with, if it wasn’t for my involvement with Government Relations and Iowa ACAC. My biggest encouragement to anyone taking the time to read this is to get involved with Iowa ACAC by being on a committee. You may feel you are too busy or too afraid to put yourself out there, but do it anyway.! You’ll soon realize how much fun and exciting it can be! I’ve loved my time on the Exec Board and hope to be able to help out again in the future!
I’m excited to be handing over leadership of the committee to the new Government Relations Chair, Melissa Murphy. If you are interested in joining the committee, please email Melissa at [email protected].
Taking over as the Government Relations Chair - Melissa Murphy
I fell into Iowa ACAC's Government Relations committee completely by accident. Iowa ACAC and Iowa School Counselor Association have, for several years, worked together to bring Visit the Hill to Iowa's college admissions and school counseling professionals. As ISCA's advocacy chair, I represented ISCA on Iowa ACAC's Government Relations committee. As I transition into the role of chair, I hope to work toward further representing the interests and needs of Iowa's school counselors to Iowa ACAC, and taking Iowa ACAC's expertise back to ISCA members. In my day job, I am finishing my twelfth year as counselor at Springville Secondary School, where I serve about 200 seventh through twelfth graders.