FRIENDS! I don’t think I have ever been more thankful than I am this year, heading into the Thanksgiving holiday. We are all here. Like, literally AT WORK, physically. I know it took some adjustment(s) but let’s be thankful! When I sit back and ponder on the year (which who has time to actually do that in the hustle and bustle of recruiting season), I am in awe of my colleagues, friends, family, our students and my co-workers. We did it, not always gracefully, but we did it. We’re back to a new “normal” and I really feel grateful.
One definition of grit on the world wide web is “courage and resolve; strength of character – it’s the ability to persist in something you feel passionate about.” Working in higher education, especially on the student services side of things (I’m partial), is not for the faint of heart. You have to believe in what you are doing, every single day. Even when it’s hard. Even when your students want to give up. Even when you’ve been on the road for days or maybe even weeks on end. Even when everything we know or are comfortable with, is thrown out the window (example, COVID 19). Because we have grit. I whole heartedly believe that anyone that continues to work in higher education has grit.
So this holiday season when you are gathered around a table of your family or your friends that have become family – take it all in. Because we made it this far and not everyone gets to have a career that they feel so passionate about. Good for us.