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Calling all High School Counselors!

Why should high school counselors be involved with Iowa ACAC?  Being involved with Iowa ACAC has been one of the best professional development activities I have ever done. The reality is, as high school counselors we are also college admissions counselors. Iowa ACAC is a great support for high school counselors. Here is how I got involved:

The Iowa ACAC Exec Board was meeting in Iowa City and they invited area counselors to join them for lunch. Never being one to pass up a free meal, I decided to attend. During lunch, the conversation came up about college fairs. I asked one of the exec board members, “Why don’t we have a college fair in Iowa City?" The answer was, "We need someone to host the college fair." I continued the conversation and found out it was not too difficult. That conversation was the birth of the Iowa City College Fair and my connection with Iowa ACAC. It was that simple. We love hosting the Iowa City College Fair.

More importantly from that conversation I have met amazing college admissions professionals and have been able to strengthen myself as a high school counselor. I was also fortunate to serve on the exec board for three years and was a delegate to the NACAC Conference. Again, those years provided me with more professional growth opportunities.  Most importantly has been the relationships I have developed through Iowa ACAC. It is great to be able to call a college admissions office and talk to someone I know.
We need more high school counselors involved in Iowa ACAC. I know our time is precious and we are all very busy. Iowa ACAC will make you a more effective and efficient high school counselor; you will grow personally and professionally and have great fun along the way. I would be glad to talk with high school counselors who want more information or have questions. Send me an email at [email protected]. 
Paul Breitbach
School Counselor, Iowa City West High School
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