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Things I Wish You Knew - Part 3

In the last several months, the Iowa ACAC blog has featured a three-part series titled "Things I Wish You Knew."  This series has focused on survey responses received from admissions counselors, school counselors, upper level admissions staff, recent college admits and their parents to offer a new perspective into their lives, which will hopefully impact the way you interact with these individuals. 

For the third part of this series, we focus on the Upper Level Admissions Staff perspective 

Here is what some Upper Level staff had to say (surveyed through Iowa ACAC membership):

What is one thing you wish admissions counselors would do regularly, but don’t?

        Let you know when they are burnt out. Too many times people let it build up. Call or text when you are overwhelmed.  Supervisors want to help keep morale up, but sometimes it's hard to know when you've got folks on the road a lot to know when someone really needs a boost!


What is one thing an admissions counselor has done for you that you appreciated?

        When they share their honest opinions and concerns to the appropriate staff members instead of gossiping to co-workers. 

        Helped out/covered me when I am out of the office traveling. Give feedback on what the word on the road is...if they are hearing negatives/positives, new majors, what students are wanting, etc.


If you could give one or two pieces of advice to admissions counselors, what would it be?

        Be patient...just when you think there will be no chance to move up in your office, the next great thing might come along! 

        Be compassionate; be a better listener. 

        Make sure to stay up to speed on managing (and responding to) emails when you're out of the office during fall travel season. 

        Practice "Self Care" - admission is grueling, take care of yourself!


What is one misconception you feel admissions counselors have about your role in the admissions office?

        That I don't like to travel (fairs, HS visits, etc.) just because I've been there and done that. It's actually more the responsibilities I have on campus and in the office, that if I am away for the day I get REALLY backlogged.

         That I don't appreciate their front line work - but I do!


What is one thing you wished school counselors would do regularly, but don’t?

       Not have lunch room visits.  I understand there are so many colleges contacting you for visits, but I feel like lunch room visits tell the high school student that the high school doesn’t take college representatives seriously, and neither should they. 


Describe a time a school counselor did something you appreciated.

        Sent me a link to a pertinent topic that helps both of our professions.

        Advocated for a student. Sometimes I don't know the student personally, and you do. Tell me the things that are great about the student, if he or she is on the edge of acceptance. Your word means so much.

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