Has anyone else noticed that there is a gift guide for everything now? They’re all over social media this time of year! Gift guides for him, gift guides for her, gift guides for teens, for moms, for dogs; I’ve even seen gift guides based on the different enneagram types. So I figured it was time someone made a gift guide for admission representatives. Here’s my 2021 holiday admissions gift guide:
- A stack of pens, preferably with the college logo. If you think you’re giving someone in college admissions too many pens, you’re not! They ALWAYS need more pens.
- An “ugly” Christmas sweater from their college Spirit Shop. Admissions staff still feel the need to represent their school, even during the holiday parties!
- A brand new, EXTREMELY DURABLE suitcase. It needs to be able to withstand being tossed in and out of a car multiple times a day, getting dragged through high school parking lots that are littered with potholes and being shoved under a table at a college fair where it will inevitably get kicked more than a few times. If you can have it personalized with a college logo – even better.
- A huge stash of granola bars, energy drinks and their favorite snack of choice for the months of travel season when they’re basically living out of a car. (I recommend pairing this with a small trash can that will fit in the car as well).
- A large travel mug to accommodate the excessive quantities of caffeine consumed while on the road, the bigger the better! Make sure it has their college logo on it though.
- Throw in a gift card to their favorite coffee shop! Although, a Casey’s gift card might be the safest bet if they travel around Iowa.
- A pair of professional but comfortable shoes for the college fairs that seem to last all day.
- Portable phone charger – their phone can only handle so many hours of scanning student codes at college fairs.
- Add in a new phone case, with the college logo on it of course!
- A coupon for a hand massage. This will be especially appreciated around the holidays after they’ve signed close to 100 holiday cards to send to their prospective students.
- A hat with their college’s logo, socks with their college’s logo, a tie with their college’s logo…
- Did I mention you could get them something with their college’s logo on it? You may think they’ve reached the limit of college branded items that their closet can contain, but they haven’t. And even if they don’t seem thrilled to get yet another item in the same color and with the same logo as the majority of their clothes, trust me, they’ll use it. It’s a uniform and a way of life at this point!
I hope this gift guide helps the many people out there who I’m sure are sitting around this holiday season struggling to know what to get for their favorite admissions rep.